October has become saturated with pink shoes, pink yogurts and pink chicken buckets. So, to cut through the pink ribbon, we tapped into a beauty insight that most people take for granted: a haircut. For a cancer survivor, their first haircut after treatment is so much more than just a haircut. It’s a symbolic step toward regaining life and reclaiming a personal sense of beauty. The story instantly touched the hearts of millions and was picked up by media outlets such as Buzzfeed, HuffPost and The Ellen Show, which spread the message to millions more. Apart from viral success, the video received extremely positive responses from the ad community with features on Adweek, AdForum and The Drum’s “Creative Works of the Year” to taking home a Clio, three Shorty’s, a couple Webby’s, a One Show merit and an Effie. But most importantly, our story was as a source of inspiration to those affected by breast cancer, with The Breast Cancer Site calling it, “the best breast cancer PSA ever.”